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The 9 Must Have Free WordPress Plugins for Infusionsoft Users

Connect 4. Game over.

If you use WordPress for your blog, you will soon realise that integrating Infusionsoft can sometimes be challenging. After weeks of researching and testing the best solutions, I have come up with this list of 9 WordPress plugins for Infusionsoft. This will ensure you get the best out of Infusionsoft and make your inbound marketing efforts much easier.

Who is this information for?

If you are the business owner who doesn’t get their hands dirty, then you will probably be best forwarding a link to this post to your web guys or even your inbound marketing company, if you use one.

This list will save you a lot of time researching and even more time implementing. You can be all set up with these plugins within an hour.

I have been using them for over 4 months now and they were all working well at the time of writing this post. Make sure you test all plugins before adding them to your WordPress as it could cause conflicts with other plugins you have installed. Make sure you always keep your plugins up to date. Let’s get to the list.

1. Infusionsoft analytics for WordPress

infusionsoft for wordpress

Judging from the amount of Infusionsoft users there are and the amount of times this has been downloaded (1,520) I’m guessing that a lot of you have not implemented this into your website.

This should be the first plugin you install as this will allow you to track your visitors within Infusionsoft. It will also allow you to see what traffic sources are generating leads and sales. This closed loop approach to marketing is very powerful and can allow you to see which forms of marketing are working. If you go to the lead generation section of your Infusionsoft installation, you will be able to track and monitor visitor behaviour on your website.

lead generation

Download the Infusionsoft Analytics plugin

2. WordPress SEO

wordpress seo

This plugin is a must have for every WordPress user and it will really help to get your great content indexed and recognised by Google and other search engines. It can help you with linking your Google+ author profile to your blog and give you helpful tips on how to improve your SEO for your posts.

Download WordPress SEO plugin

3. Custom fields shortcodes

custom feilds shortcodes

This one is an amazing find; if you have ever tried to add your Infusionsoft form to WordPress you will know it can sometimes be challenging. WordPress strips out JavaScript for security reasons; Infusionsoft uses JavaScript to add their forms so you are guaranteed to run into problems. This will also work for adding YouTube videos to your posts.

Take a look at the image below, you will see the custom field section that appears at the bottom of every WordPress Post. All you need to do (once you have installed the plugin) is click on the “enter new” link, add your Infusionsoft code in the Value field and give it a name and then save it.

custom feilds

If you do not see your custom fields at the bottom of your posts then click ‘screen options’ on the top right of your screen and make sure ‘custom fields’ is ticked.

When you want to add your form to a post make sure you type in the code below into your post:

cf example

Your form will now appear in your post when live. One word of caution is, make sure every time you do this you give the custom field a unique name as it may cause confusion with other custom fields.

Download custom fields Shortcodes

4. HTML JavaScript adder

html javascript adder

This one is very similar to the custom field shortcodes plugin but is used to add your Infusionsoft form as a widget into the left column of your blog.

This is helpful because you may want to add your newsletter subscription box to the left hand side. Again WordPress will remove the Infusionsoft form so this plugin is an excellent way to make sure you get the forms you want into this area. I had the best success by pasting the form HTML into the widget as the JavaScript did not display correctly for me. Try it and see how you get on.

To implement this plugin just navigate to your widgets section and you will see HTML JavaScript Adder listed. Just drag the widget into the area you want and add your code.

Download HTML JavaScript adder

5. MailChimp list subscribe form


When it comes to email marketing and lead nurturing, Infusionsoft is a very powerful system but one thing it cannot do is let people subscribe to your blog. So you will need to use a third party system to do this.

It is highly recommended that you do this as increasing subscribers to your blog is a great way to gain exposure for your content.

I tried many solutions for this but I found MailChimps RSS to email function the easiest to use and the emails it sends to your subscribers look great.

Once you create your MailChimp account and set up your RSS to email campaign all you need to do is install the plugin and add the MailChimp widget to your side bar. Just like the HTML JavaScript Adder.

The other added benefit for using MailChimp to do this is that it easily integrates with Infusionsoft and subscribers can be automatically be added to your Infusionsoft contacts. You can even add a tag too, all automatically.

Download MailChimp plugin

6. Disqus Comment System

disqus commenting system

It is hard when you first create a blog to get people to comment, any help to do this is much welcomed and the Disqus commenting system is a very popular way to do this.

This plugin replaces the boring old standard commenting system that WordPress has and replaces it with a feature rich system that makes it easy for people to comment.

They can easily use their favourite social network login to comment and track comments they have made on other blogs.

It is also very good at detecting and eliminating spam and makes it a breeze for you to approve and delete comments.

Download Disqus comment system

7. Fancier author box

fanceir author box

If you have many authors contributing to your blog managing this can be difficult. This is where the fancier author box comes in. It looks great and allows each author to specify some bio text. It lets you easily add all their social logins: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc.

It will also display a tab so you can see all the latest posts from that author. This plugin is very useful if you have guest contributors and want to help promote their work.

Download fancier author box

8. Flare


Flare is personally one of my favourite WordPress plugins. This plugin lets you display all your favourite social buttons so people can share your blog posts. Sharing posts is a great way to get more exposure for your content and can encourage other people to reference and link to it.

It will display all your specified social networks of the left hand side of a post, just like the one on this post. I’m sure you will agree it looks great and can really help with social proof.

Download Flare

9. Google Analytics for WordPress

analytics for wordpress

From the makers of WordPress SEO, this plugin lets you quickly add your Google Analytics code and adds some really cool features to your blog. This plugin will track every outbound click from anywhere on your blog and can also track downloads. This information can then be easily viewed inside Google Analytics.

You can also tell it to ignore visits from admin users as you do not want your own traffic screwing up your Google Analytics stats.

Download Google Analytics for WordPress

Now it’s your turn

What are the must have WordPress plugins you use?

If you would like any further help with any of these plugins please let me know in the comments below.

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