Grow Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

About Stargazer Digital

At Stargazer, we want to help you unlock the full power of your business’s potential.

Stargazer was created in 2012 by founder Kevin Gallagher, after he noticed a considerable shift in consumer behaviour.

The pushy sales messages of old simply weren’t getting the same results anymore, and marketers were seeing that the marketing tactics that many use were not getting clients the results they once did.

Kevin began searching for ways to connect businesses with their potential consumers more effectively, and on his journey, discovered the power of universal search. The power of SEO & PPC working together to increase sales.

It quickly became his passion, and he left his job of 10 years as a digital marketer to start his own business; that was when Stargazer Digital was born. Now, he takes delight in driving other businesses forward towards their goals by harnessing the power of Universal search

At Stargazer, we want to help you unlock the full power of your business’s potential.

Regardless of what stage your business is at, we can help you achieve success with our proven universal search framework. 

Stargazer will never allow one of our ‘clients’

  • Ever purchase less than they should
  • In less quantity or combination than they should
  • In less frequently than they should
  • (because to allow them to do that, we breach our responsibility and moral obligation as their ‘trusted advisor’).

Let's see if we can help you grow