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3 Conservatory Buying Trends that May be Costing You Sales

Are you a conservatory supplier?

Have you noticed that it is harder to reach your customers these days?

If the answer to either of these questions is yes then this article is for you.

I’m going to show you how your prospective customers are researching what conservatory to buy and who they want to buy it from.

With 57% of the buying decision already being made before they contact your sales team, how on earth do you influence their buying decision?

The customer knows there is a problem that needs solved

The first thing your prospects are doing is researching online for solutions for their space challenges.

At this point they may not even know they need a conservatory and a conservatory may not even be the best solution for them.

Maybe it is a garage conversion or orangery that would be the best fit for their needs.

They want to discover this for themselves and don’t want your salesperson to tell them.

Have you noticed over the last few years that when you speak to customers they already know what they want?

This is because they have done their research and know what they need.

They have read blogs and forums; they have downloaded free guides and watched helpful videos on the subjects.

Are you providing your prospective customers with this kind of content?

When I did a search on Google for “which conservatory should I buy?” not one conservatory firm came up answering this question.

I even searched YouTube and the one below is the best I could find.

Difference between an Orangery and a Conservatory

The customer recognises a need for a solution like yours

Now that they have completed their initial research they have now established a buying criteria and are looking at which conservatory supplier can best help them.

They are still not ready to speak to you at this stage as they have not decided if you are the one that can help them.

How do they decide?

By the content on your website.

Do you  have case studies on your website?

Do you have content that answers questions around prices or the process you go through in building their conservatory?

These are the questions they want answered and will look for firms that do and these will be the firms they contact.

Evaluate conservatory suppliers

Now they know what they want and have a list of potential conservatory builders in mind it is time to decide which ones to contact.

Do you just offer a ‘contact us’ form?

Or maybe a ‘get a quote’ form?

Maybe you should think of a softer approach like a free consultation to start the conversation with the customer.

They will then have given you permission to engage in a sales conversation and if you try to have this kind of conversation before this point you will just turn them away.


To effectively sell to your buyers today you have to be helpful and answer the questions they are asking before they contact you.

Create content on your website that answers these questions and you will build trust and authority with your buyers.

They are then more likely to buy from you. Every salesperson knows, you need to build trust and sales talk won’t do that. Being helpful will.

This is how people are buying conservatories now and you need to adapt to their behaviour, if you don’t you are leaving a lot of sales on the table and inviting your competition to overtake you and to become the biggest authority in conservatories.

Would you not rather that be you?

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1.Hire us to grow your store

We’ve generated millions in profits for our clients using our unique ATTRACT, CONVERT, RETAIN strategy, that’s proven to increase profits and customers.

2. Learn how to increase your profits and customers